Thursday, October 08, 2020

M-A Berthier's Great Adventures

Curious to acquaint myself with the writing of the man who had praised my "three sonnets [as] very clever and well done" (Berthier, Amazon Reviews to Octo-Emanations [2020]), I visited the excerpt from his sequel to his Some Rumor of Strange Adventures, this excerpt appearing in the anthology itself (Octo-Emanations [2020] 117-132), and I'm tempted to write the same words for him that he wrote for me: "very clever and well done." Beyond that, I hesitate to say much, for fear of giving away plot spoilers. Suffice it to say that Berthier writes with the graceful confidence of a man who knows what he's talking about, as though he isn't entirely unacquainted with at least some of the things at which his protagonist appears to excel.

Reader of this blogpost, go thou and read, if thou be'st born to great insights . . .


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