Antisemitism in Korea: Second Follow-Up

Antti's blog article, "Jo Jung-rae on holocaust and the Japanese occupation," notes some rather problematic remarks by the novelist Jo Jung-rae (or Cho Jung rae) in the introduction to Arirang, his 12-volume novel about Korea under Japanese domination:
How many Jews were killed by the Hitler government of Germany during the Second World War? According to the Jews the number was three or four million. So how many of us Koreans were massacred and killed by the Japanese during the 36 years of Japanese colonialism? Is it three million? Or four million? Or is it six million? Unfortunately that estimate has not been made public or official. My estimate is between three and four million.I'm not certain that this rises to the level of blatant antisemitism. I'd need to know more about Jo Jung-rae's views to make a judgement. I'd also want to know about the meaning of the Korean expression that has been translated above as "hypnotized" (and Antti does supply the entire passage in both Korean and English, so perhaps someone could look into this point). Jo Jung-rae, in part, seems to be urging Koreans to follow the example of the Jews in making their suffering and victimization known to the world. What I find problematic, however, lies in the tone, which seems to diminish the Holocaust by insisting that Koreans suffered worse under Japanese colonization. Is this sort of ranking really necessary in order for Koreans to express their treatment by the Japanese under Japan's annexation of Korea?
. . .
The Jews were killed on for three years, but Koreans were killed during a period of more than ten times of that, 36 years. Which people suffered more? Even though we suffered horrors ten times more than the Jews, how is it possible that we still don't know many of us Koreans died?
. . .
When naked Jewish girls were dying in gas chambers, the girls of our people were getting gang raped in Southeast Asian jungles as troop following corps in a similar manner. So how have we become such ignorant masses?
. . .
[W]e have been hypnotized by the Jews who have made numerous novels, movies and TV dramas to tell about their suffering for the whole world.
. . .
Jews have maximized their suffering and while securing their self-esteem, and have used it as a power to develop their future.
Being ignorant of Jo Jung-rae's fuller views, I'll leave my remarks about his statements at that.
However, I do want to draw attention to what Antti describes as "a Korean nazi blog, for which the word 'anti-semitic' is not sufficient." Most of the blog entries are in Korean, but the blog -- which is perhaps titled Nagaduju (or Neophyte?) -- includes some English-language passages from antisemitic writings, so one quickly gets a sense of the blogger's views.
Not that one would need to read much, for a simple glance takes it all in -- the prominently displayed German words "Jud Süss" (more precisely, "Jud Süß," or "The Jew Süss") above the dark-green-tinted, stereotyped image of a Jewish face.
I presume that this image at Nagaduju is modeled on the Nazi film version of Jud Süß, which Wikipedia tells us was "made in 1940 by Veit Harlan under the supervision of Joseph Goebbels," but Nagaduju's use of the stereotyped image appears even more sinister than the stereotyped Jewish face on the Nazi movie poster.
I suspect that this blog Nagaduju is expressing atypical views for a Korean, but given the antisemitic passages in the comic book Far Countries and Close Countries (Monnara Iunnara, 먼나라 이웃나라) by Lee Won-bok (or Rhie Won-bok), this issue deserves fuller investigation.
Labels: Korean Antisemitism
I spent five minutes poking around the site before clicking away and scrubbing the hate filth out of my mind. I checked out the blogger's profile. No personal data, just a passage from the Ephesians. His anti-Semitic angle seems to be religious. While googling this afternoon, I stumbled across a Jew hate website run by a Japanese businessman. He is part of a group of 9-11 conspiracy theorists who think the Jews are using the power of the US to destroy the world. You can check him out here:
Scroll down to the middle for the best conspiratorial statement on the page:
Near the bottom is a nice photo essay on cultural similarities between the Japanese and the Jews. The intro blurb to the photo essay links to a more detailed page:
which cites as its source this page proclaiming Japanese to be a lost tribe of Jews:
If you subtract the /meanwhile_j.htm you will be taken to his company homepage.
He was a speaker at a 9-11 conspiracy conference in Tokyo:
If the content weren't so horrid, I'd laugh at the childish visual aids.
Looking at his website again, I'm amazed that a man smart enough and talented enough to run a company would believe such nonsense.
A fellow Japanese blogger wrote about the 9-11 conspiracy conference here:
Look at the menu to the right - links to peace activist sites - ironic, isn't it?
The 'peacenik' seems to be coming at anti-Semitism from a different angle than the Japanese businessman, whose Japanese language webpages had a right-wing tone - bashing Koizumi, blaming Jews for the postal savings financial mismanagement, and historical revisionism regarding WWII . Googling ユダヤ yielded diverse links to books on Judaism published in Japanese, neutral educational content, and a few sites with content mixing Jewish conspiracies with a whitewashing of WWII guilt.
I'll be going back to work tomorrow after a few days off, so I won't have much time for googling in languages I can barely understand! :)
I know my previous post was about anti-Semitism in Japan, not Korea, but I thought you might find the material of interest anyway.
It is rather troubling, this need to out-do the Holocaust; and not compare like with like. It reminiscent of a joke from a Hollywood film (can't remember which one!)in which character A, who is black, says: "I don't belive in the Holocaust", to which his Jewish antagonist replies: "That's fine, I never believed in African slavery." There is a difference, at least in my mind, between the killing that takes place under occupation or colonialism and a deliberate policy of genocide developed by the exclusion of a race of people from a nation to which they once belonged. My sentiments are with you: anti-semitism is racist and there isn't much to be gained from one-up-manship based on superior suffering and who comes first in the sadomasochist stakes.
Xia-Sonagi, thanks for all the references. I assume that you're indicating the Nagaduju site in referring to the blogger whose "anti-Semitic angle seems to be religious." The quote from Ephesians suggests that this blogger's views are grounded in the Christian tradition of antisemitism.
That's certainly troubling and suggests other possible sources for what we've seen surface in Korea of late.
Partly, though, what we're seeing here in Korea is a local reflection of a larger upsurge of antisemitism throughout the world. Some of it is based on traditional Christian antisemitism, some on Leftist antisemitism, and some on Muslim antisemitism. These three are overlapping.
Incidentally, if anyone wants to point out the irony of using the term antisemitic to refer to negative Muslim views about the Jews, then I'll acknowledge the irony but note that the term "antisemitism" was coined to refer to hatred of Jews.
I suppose that we could try calling all of these negative views "anti-Jewish," but the nominalized form "anti-Jewishness" is rather awkward, and "antisemitism" is already the accepted term.
Whatever we want to call these views, they do seem to be increasing in the world.
Jeffery Hodges
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Thanks, Eshuneutics, for the comments.
The one-up-manship that Jo Jung-rae (or Cho Jung rae) seems to be engaged in won't help the Korean case at all.
Better to leave off the comparisons and simply talk about the Korean experience of being colonized by Japan and forcibly assimilated to Japanese culture.
Jeffery Hodges
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Lost comment! Lost thought!
... Blogger!
Sorry to hear that Hathor.
I always copy everything before I click on "Preview" or "Publish" ... and often, I'm very glad that I did.
Jeffery Hodges
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To answer your question about the Korean term used for "hypnotize," it is pretty much a direct translation. In Korean the word has two meanings: the first is "to induce sleep," while the second is "to hypnotize." But there is no doubt that the intended meaning here is "to hypnotize."
So, take that for what it's worth.
Thanks, Charles, for that information. Strange way for him to express himself.
Jeffery Hodges
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Henry Ford, who is known as the mass production genius of the twentieth century, was an overt anti-semite. Despite being an intelligent and competent businessman, who admittedly did a lot of good in the US, he is widely seen as responsible for the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a publication that has stirred up more hatred than any since the Malleus Maleficarum (The Witch Hammer), first published in 1486.
Thanks, JJ, and we should perhaps also state -- lest the unwary misunderstand -- that the Protocols is a hoax, an elaborate deception composed by antisemites to read as if it were an actual scheme by which the Jews intend to control the world.
It has, unfortunately, come to be accepted among too many Middle Eastern Muslims as factual.
Henry Ford, by the way, not only republished the Protocols but also distributed it among his workers, which included a large community of Arabic Muslims whose descendents still live and work in Detroit today, if I'm not mistaken.
Ford's efforts to distribute the Protocols may have been one of the earlier ways by which this sort of antisemitic literature entered the Muslim world -- though I'm only guessing here.
Jeffery Hodges
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I think the suffering of Korea under the Japanese is not very well understood in the US. The massacres in China are a little better known. But I don't think that either compare to what was done to the Jews in Europe. It was total. 5 to 6 million Jews were exterminated in and around Germany and throughout Eastern Europe, and that was out of a population that was between 7 and 8 million. The Jewish population of Germany was basically eliminated, where once it thrived.
For modern Germany, the CIA Factbook lists Turks at 2.4% of the population, second among ethnic groups, and Muslim as 3.7%, third among specific religious affiliations. Yiddish is not mentioned as a language. The word "Jew" does not appear in the posting.
Most Americans probably don't know anything about Japan's colonization of Korea -- and probably would have difficulty finding the Korean peninsula on a map. Most Americans, however, are probably aware of the Holocaust.
But why the novelist Jo Jung-rae (or Cho Jung rae) would feel a need to compare the two, I don't know. There's no zero-sum relationship here, as if attention given to the Holocaust distracts from the suffering of others.
Jeffery Hodges
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Actually, the whole genocide rating business comes from the Holocaust Industry and its camp followers (see the work of Norman Finkelstein on this point).
You must also be aware that the genocide of the gypsies was overlooked as a matter of conscious policy by the Holocaust Museum in Washington. Not to mention the fact that there were 60 million people killed during the course of the Second World War (20 million of them Russian).
The suffering of the Jews is seen by many Jewish writers as unique, but that is no reason for other people to do so, particularly if those other people are also busy castigating Koreans for their enthnocentrism.
By the way, the parallel between Muslims and Nazis is false. The real parallel is between Zionists and the Nazis. See Lenni Brenner's work on this point, particularly 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis.
Anonymous, I have just checked the website ( of the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., and there's actually quite a lot on Gypsies. Are you referring to a different Holocaust museum?
As for the numbers of people killed during WWII, yes, there were very, very many -- the entire 20th century was a field of slaughter. But what's your point? We have to make distinctions. Soldiers killed in battle are one thing. Civilians killed in firebombings are quite another. So are Ukrainians intentionally starved to death by Stalin's policies. I don't see the point of lumping them all together.
As for castigating Koreans, I've hardly done that. My wife is Korean, our children are mixed but have dual U.S.-R.O.K. citizenship, and I consider myself a friend of Korea. I am troubled to see antisemitism here in Korea, just as I'm at times troubled by xenophobia here. My children have sometimes been called "half-bloods" -- using a Korean expression that is not complimentary.
Concerning a parallel between Muslims and Nazis, I've certainly not drawn any such parallel, no more than I've drawn a parallel between Medieval Christians and Nazis. The word "parallel" is not the right term. What I have done is expressed concern about the extent of antisemitism in the Middle East. I have noted sources of Nazi antisemitism in Medieval Christianity and sources of contemporary Muslim antisemitism in Nazi ideology (though I don't recall if I've done so in the blog entries or in the comments). But I don't think that I've referred to parallels.
One might find parallels between the Nazi Party in Germany and the Baath Party in Iraq under Sadaam Hussein, but there are also many differences.
The expression "Holocaust Industry" sounds inherently derogatory as a way of referring to the attempts to remember and commemorate a genocide. I think that we ought to be maintaining an awareness of the Armenian Genocide as well as other genocides, such as the one in Rwanda and the ongoing genocide in Darfur. Would an attempt to remember other genocides be an 'industry'?
Zionism as a nationalist political movement seems rather different than Nazism to me. That doesn't mean that I approve of every Zionist splinter group or what every Zionist has said.
But much of this goes beyond the scope of these blog entries, so I'll stop here.
Jeffery Hodges
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If you think that Zionism is different from Nazism, you obviously haven't studied Zionism. But you should read Vladimir Jabotinsky's The Iron Wall, the book which provides the inspiration for the Likud Party.
You should also read Brenner's book for the actual historical documents, including Zionist correspondence to the National Socialist Party in Germany.
The Holocaust Industry is the title of the book by Norman Finkelstein, whose parents survived the camps but who abhors the abuse of the memory of its victims by the Zionist regime in Israel and its camp followers in the United States. He documents in great detail the shakedown of the Swiss banks by Holocaust Industry lawyers, who mostly pocketed the money supposedly intended for the survivors themselves. It is a shocking history. Read it before you pass judgment on the title. It is an international bestseller.
Finkelstein argues in his book (page 77) that non-Jewish victims of Nazism "receive only token recognition" in the Museum.
But during the planning stage of the US Holocaust Memorial Council, executive director Rabbi Seymour Siegel "doubted whether Gypsies even 'existed' as a people. He added: "There should be some recognition or acknowledgment of the gypsy people ... if there is such a thing." (76)
Finkelstein adds: "During the museum's planning stages, Elie Wiesel (along with Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem) led the offensive to commemorate Jews alone" (75).
You, like many Americans, unconsciously adapt to the Jews-as-unique-victims narrative. But what about Polish Catholics? What about the handicapped? What about the mentally retarded? What, and here you might balk given your obvious anti-communist, what about the communists, the first victims of the Nazi terror? What about the members of the Red Army who actually liberated the concentration camps?
Anonymous, I'll look into some of the things that you mention when I have time.
Meanwhile, I'd courteously but firmly insist that you not judge me based on your view of what an 'American' is. You don't know me. You don't know my family history. You don't know who or what I am. You don't know for whom or with what groups I have empathy. I'd suggest, again firmly, that you not make any assumptions about me. I find this offensive.
Your first comment was polite. I expect future comments from you to return to that courtesy.
Jeffery Hodges
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Jeffery, thanks for noting my old post which seems to have gained some fame as a consequence of this Rhie affair.
Jo's novel in question, the 12-volume Arirang has been translated to French, by the way (in an French online bookshop); it'd be nice to see what's been done to that introduction.
I am sorry if you are offended, but I do read your blog on a regular basis. You are an American, and you do share many assumptions that many Americans share.
Why are you so offended by this? Do you not accept that people have national traits? Do you not carry an American passport?
Pointing out that you are an American, and that therefore you tend to believe in a particular narrative, simply saves time. If you want to say: "I don't believe that", fine. But surely the objection should be to the nature of the specific view, not to being labelled an American.
And if you don't want people to point out that you are an American, you should reciprocate.
In other words, you should not make sweeping generalizations about other peoples on your blog. But you do.
For example, "[The Protocols] has, unfortunately, come to be accepted among too many Middle Eastern Muslims as factual".
How do you know this? By reading MEMRI or the Jerusalem Post?! Do you speak Arabic? Don't you think a Muslim, if he or she were that sensitive, might be similarly offended by the sweeping nature of your generalization about an entire relgion?
You talk glibly of "left antisemitism". What is this creature? Do you not think a leftist might be offended by this?
What you are referring to is left anti-Zionism. The current resurgence of anti-Zionist feeling is entirely explicable: it is the result of human horror at the virtually daily Israeli onslaught against a largely helpless people whose land was stolen from them by the Zionists. It is the result of horror and revulsion against the horrendous attack against an innocent people this summer in Lebanon.
What you call "Muslim anti-semitism" is similarly explained. The Muslims have had to live with the horror of the Zionist colonial regime for much longer. The tripe about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion being of importance in this debate is itself Zionist propoganda. Do you really think that inhabitants of the Middle East form their hostile opinion against Israel based on a hundred year old text of dubious origins -- or on the much more factual evidence of the murderous violence perpetuated by the Zionist regime since its inception?
From 1967 until 2000, many people, particularly in the Middle East, thought Israel could not be defeated military. Now they may take comfort. Israel can be defeated, and therefore the chances of peace breaking out have been dramatically increased.
Making assumptions, both about the world we live in and the person we are talking to, is necessary for discourse to take place at all. If you want to police discourse by saying people cannot say this or that, or not make what you regard as personal ad hominem comments, fine. It is your blog. No one can stop you from doing this.
But then you would not be a scholar. You would simply be a policeman who did not believe in the right to free speech.
But I thought all Americans believed in the First Amendment!
Anonymous, you can make generalizations about national character if you wish. They might or might not be correct, and that's an issue to discuss. I have reasons for my generalizations, and I've given them.
However, it's another issue altogether to take a generalization and assume that it characterizes a particular individual. If you think that you know me well enough from reading my blog that you can state something about me that you consider factual, then do so, but don't make assumptions about me on the basis that I am an American.
As for freedom of speech, well, it's hardly an absolute freedom, is it? A newspaper has no obligation to print an abusive letter -- or any particular letter, for that matter. As you yourself acknowledge, this is my blog, and I will exclude discourteous comments. This issue has nothing to do with scholarship. Scholarly journals also have no obligation to publish abusive articles.
Thus far, you've been courteous enough in your disagreements, so I have no serious bone to pick with you. As for our different views on antisemitism on the Left and among many Muslims of the Middle East, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Thank you for being a regular reader.
Jeffery Hodges
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Antti, thanks for stopping by. I also wonder about Jo's introduction in the French translation. I suspect that it's been rewritten a bit ... or left out.
Jeffery Hodges
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Especially the mousy one who is all-knowing!
He's got it all figgered out, h'ain't he?
Hey, Jeffery!
Hey, Daddio, it's been a while.
I keep meaning to get over to your blog to check out your latest photos of the Ozarks. Sorry to be so neglectful.
I spent five weeks teaching English intensively, then had to edit a lot of materials for various scholars, and now am gearing up for a new position at Kyunghee University, also in Seoul. I've got three courses to prepare by next Friday.
On Anonymous's views, I think that one can safely conclude that he (probably not "she") and I have some disagreements. I think that I let things get somewhat off-topic in the comments. Basically, my blog entries were on antisemitism in South Korea, but I got sidetracked onto other issues -- related issues, but not central to the question of where this antisemitism in Korea is coming from.
But I suppose that blogs can go a bit off-topic ... but not too far. It's a judgement call. My judgement, of course.
As long as individuals posting comments stay reasonably courteous, they can disagree with me all day. Well ... maybe not all day, but I'm sure that I can always learn something.
Jeffery Hodges
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It amazes me how you can teach like that...then come home and write about drinking tobacco!
But...that's off topic, so...
Regardless of how far off-topic the preceding comments are, they are truly fascinating!
Well, Daddio, there's nothing quite like a relaxing drink of tobacco ... not that I ever imbibe.
Jeffery Hodges
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Mr. Hodges,
What do you think about 30 million
Russian, Unkranian, Balts victims whom Jewish communists mass murdered from 1917 to 1953?
A lot of prominent Jewish intellectuals admit that their people did this.
Are you Jewish? (or married to one?) Why aren't you talking about
this holocaust?
I guess that you're a different "Anonymous."
Your personal questions about me are not relevant to this issue, but if you want to know about who I am and the things that I discuss, then read more of my blog.
I also don't want to get drawn off-topic by a discussion of other things, but I will say this. For the mass murder of Ukrainians by famine, which I've already noted, I blame Stalin's collectivization of agriculture and intentional starving of farmers who wouldn't cooperate.
Stalin wasn't Jewish.
But I don't intend to discuss Stalin and his Bolshevik policies on this thread, which is about Lee Won-bok's problematic comic book.
Jeffery Hodges
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This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous (mis)quotes me and comments on my putative views:
"Stalin wasn't a jew."
How pathetic! Can't you do any better than that?
Of course you don't want to talk about this topic because you know you're going to lose.
nyway, if you're not Jewish and want to learn more, I recommend this link. Go for it if you're interested in knowing the truth.
Anonymous, I have deleted your comment because you quoted a very long passage that is not relevant to this blog entry. If you want to post a link, then do so, but don't post quote long passages from extraneous sources.
Also, you may not be aware of this, though you should be if you read my comments above, but I don't allow personal attacks on my blog. Your comments about me constitute a personal attack. Don't make assumptions about my motives. That's called ad hominem.
Any further ad hominem from you will not be tolerated. Follow the rules or stay away.
Jeffery Hodges
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This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, I've told you to avoid personal attacks. Calling me hypocritical and cowardly in your second comment definitely constitutes a personal attack.
I'll allow the links that you provided even though these are irrelevant to this blog entry:
I've deleted the rest of your post because of its personal attack on me.
Be civil, stick to the topic (Korean antisemitism), or stay away.
Jeffery Hodges
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OK, let's talk about the Korean comic book.
Mr. Hodges, you don't believe what Prof. Lee said in his book?
I as well as many many others in this day and age of internet can easily prove to anyone interested in getting to the truth that what he said is all true. So why make a big fuss about "Korean anti-semtism"? Is stating and knowing truth antisemitic?
If you're not happy with what the professor said, just prove him wrong with facts like an academic you're. You haven't done anything of that sort s far as I read your blog.
Let me ask you. You really think Prof. Lee's view is groundless?
What do you say, Mr. Hodges?
I wait for your answer.
Yes, I think Lee's views are groundless. The comic is both anti-American and antisemitic.
I don't believe that Jews control America. American Jews do play prominent roles in American society. The percentages of Jews in academia, in politics, in journalism, and in various professions exceed their percentage in the population.
But this doesn't amount to control, and it isn't conspiracy.
In a few years, percentages of Koreans in prominent positions in America will also exceed their percentage in the American population.
So will the percentages of Chinese.
I don't think that these things will result from conspiracy. Rather, these cultures -- Jewish, Korean, and Chinese -- emphasize education and hard work, and these two things are the keys to success.
This is what I think.
By the way, I should add that I'm very busy because the academic year is beginning, and I have a lot of work to do preparing my courses, so please don't be disappointed if I do not reply at length to your queries.
Jeffery Hodges
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You're living in denial, Mr. Hodges (to your peril if you're not a jew; to your benefit if you're one).
Whether you care to have a look or not, I here provide you with a mountain of factual evidences that will demolish your contention.
I bet a million that you won't be able to repute a single passage from that site, not because you're busy and all that, but because you simply can't for the truth is not on your side.
So long...
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish(y links)...
Jeffery Hodges
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Your last post betrays your true identity to my satisfaction, Mr. Hodges.
I shall have a talk with my 지인들 in the university board and inform them of our short exchanges here.
Good luck.
Sorry, Anonymous, I thought that you would appreciate the humor in my punning on your "So long." I guess not since you are now pretending to threaten me with your 지인들 at Korea University.
My "true identity"? Okay, I admit it -- I'm really Douglas Adams, and since I'm already dead, I have nothing to fear in threats from the living.
Anyway, I've already glanced at the site that you linked to, but haven't had time to read it.
Thanks for your concern...
Jeffery Hodges
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Funny, how bigots and angry idiots like anonymous are always so afraid of disclosing their true identity.
Mr. Hodges, I commend your patience and politeness when dealing with 'those people'.
Thanks, Mr. Hoefer. It is ironic, especially when they accuse me of cowardice.
I suspect that some of the angry anonymous comments are left by people who are not only convinced of a Jewish conspiracy but even fear that they are being watched by those same conspirators.
But I'm no expert on paranoid psychology.
Jeffery Hodges
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