Gypsy Scholar
Brainstorming about history, politics, literature, religion, and other topics from a 'gypsy' scholar on a wagon hitched to a star.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
About Me
- Name: Horace Jeffery Hodges
- Location: Seoul, South Korea
I am a retired professor. I last taught at Ewha Womans University, mostly composition, research writing, and cultural issues, but also the occasional graduate seminar on Gnosticism and Johannine theology and the occasional undergraduate course on European history. My doctorate is in history (U.C. Berkeley), with emphasis on religion and science. My thesis is on John's gospel and Gnosticism. I'm also an award-winning writer, and I recommend my novella, The Bottomless Bottle of Beer, to anyone interested. I'm originally from the Arkansas Ozarks, but my academic career -- funded through doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships (e.g., Fulbright, Naumann, Lady Davis) -- has taken me through Texas, California, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, and Israel and has landed me in Seoul, South Korea. I've also traveled to Mexico, visited much of Europe, including Moscow, and touched down briefly in a few East Asian countries. Hence: "Gypsy Scholar."
Previous Posts
- The Road to Hell is Paved: Longer Version
- Boxing Day: Who's Favored by St. Pugnacious?
- A New Christmas Cake and an Old Christmas Poem . . .
- Don't Walk the Talk . . .
- Lucifer Possesses a Plant?
- Another Think Coming . . .
- Vampire in my dream?
- Postmodern Values: Rights of Time Passages
- Gender-Biased Wisdom
- My Good Intentions . . .
That image evokes something more like a Santa Lucia celebration than ol' Uncle Lucifer.
Well, there are millions political leaders camouflaged being a Christian but their deed contradict, but the word of Lucifer definition:These are the political leaders of the world and YHWH God Almighty using that terminology for "mock into flattering" or insulting the Babylon Empire and Medo Persian, same story about this modern political power today. *Bones*
Here's another details:The Hebrew word that in some Bibles is translated “LUCIFER” means “SHINING ONE”, and the World Famous Politician from the Shining One into our World Government. (Isaiah 14:12) The context shows that this term refers to the dynasty, political dynasty, or line of kings, of Babylon, which God would humiliate for its arrogance. (Isaiah 14:4, 13-20) The expression “SHINING ONE” was used to ''MOCK'' the Babylonian dynasty then after it was overthrown. And today our modern world power like Russian Empire, Anglo-American Power, China Empire, and all members from United Nation are part of ''SHINING ONE means LUCIFER'' and these are the political world power and there will be dethrone all human leadership, only Almighty God YHWH can destroy all human political power.-{Daniel 2:44 & Matthew 6:10)
I was thinking of Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 11:14:
“Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
Jeffery Hodges
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The thought is - I think - that Satan can disguise himself as Lucifer, the so-called "Bringer of Light."
Jeffery Hodges
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Idea or story or poem: Time travel story in which unfallen Lucifer meets fallen Satan.
Though unfallen Lucifer is not yet fallen, he must have some character weakness, perhaps a flaw which fallen Satan exploits and exercises, causing Lucifer's fall... Now, if Lucifer has not yet fallen and he is in good graces with God, what might that weakness be?
Jeffery Hodges
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