Poetry Break: "In Victimhood"

I couldn't sleep well during the night, so I got up even earlier than usual, and because I had some extra time, I wrote a parody of William Ernest Henley's very famous poem, "Invictus":
I don't really have the flu, nor do I feel like a victim -- nor like a prisoner here in Seoul.In VictimhoodOut of the fight that vanquished me,
Feeling the pits, if truth be told,
I curse whatever dogs may be
For my unconquerable cold.
In this fell clutch of circumstance,
I've whinged and bitched and cried aloud.
At cruel Influenza's chance,
My nose is stuffed, my courage cowed.
Beyond this bed of wracking tears,
My friends sit outside in the shade
And leave me menaced by this year's
Flu epidemic, sore afraid.
It matters lots how strait the gate!
How punishing the dice do roll!
I ain't the master of my fate:
I'm but a captive here in Seoul.
But I can imagine feeling that way if I were bedridden.
Labels: Poetry, Poetry Break
Beyond this bed of wracking tears,
My friends sit outside in the shade
And leave me menaced by this year's
Flu epidemic, sore afraid.
Job could not voice it better than that.
Especially in this Job-less time.
Job needed a job . . .
Jeffery Hodges
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... in some behemoth company.
. . . as a seller of insurance.
Jeffery Hodges
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This is kind of fitting in my case.
Today I go to the VA clinic to find out if I have RM Spotted Fever or some other form of tick fever.
I've been down and out since last Tuesday. went to the clinic on Friday, gave some blood and urine samples, and was told to come back tuesday, as the clinic was short of staff meds at the time.
But does anyone here really care?
Uncle Cran, I think that we all care! Even JK!
Get well soon.
Jeffery Hodges
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Yes Cran, probably most of all your erstwhile blogging critic, the esteemed (deservedly so) JK.
I'm informed tick-borne illnesses are up drastically across the whole of the Ozarks, with some devilishly difficult to diagnose. I got a report from Arkansas' state health department not too long ago - sorry but I deleted it - but it came from UAMS. I'm hopeful in your case (especially if you're travelling to McClellan in LR) UAMS and the McClellan VA center are physically connected nowadays.
But should you happen to find yourself strapped to a gurney traversing that seventh floor walkway - do not look down!
I'll try to get that report to Jeff.
You see, Uncle Cran, even JK cares.
Jeffery Hodges
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