Orpheos Bakkikos

Nathan Bauman, who writes the blog Seoul Hero, has helpfully provided information linking Orpheus to Christ in what looks like an image syncretizing Christianity and Orphism. I've borrowed this image from Nathan's old blog, Nathan's Updates from Seoul.
This image has recently been made famous by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, who wrote The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? (Three Rivers Press, 2001). On page 52, they write:
From the same period [i.e., 2nd-3rd centuries A.D.] comes the remarkable talisman which shows a crucified figure immediately recognizable as Jesus but who is actually Osiris-Dionysus (see front cover and plate 6). The inscription under this figure reads "Orpheus-Bakkikos," which means "Orpheus becomes a Bacchoi." Orpheus was a great legendary prophet of Dionysus who was so respected that he was often regarded as the godman himself. A Bacchoi was an enlightened disciple of Dionysus who had become completely identified with the god. The talisman , therefore, represents Dionysus dying by crucifixion, symbolizing the initiate's mystical death to his lower nature and rebirth as a god.I haven't read this book, though I've read scholarly critiques of it that convince me of the wrongheadedness of its thesis, which (if I recall) states that Jesus never existed but is merely a figure constructed out of pagan myths. They point to the image above as evidence for this thesis because this crucifixion scene, an obviously pagan one, predates crucifixion scenes depicting Jesus on the cross.
This argument looks flawed to me since we have the literary evidence from the first century gospels for the crucifixion of Jesus. Freke and Gandy would need to find pre-Christian evidence of Orpheus being crucified for their argument to work.
However, the link to Dionysus (= Bacchus) is interesting, and is also made by Wikipedia:
According to a Late Antique summary of Aeschylus's lost play Bassarids, Orpheus at the end of his life disdained the worship of all gods save the sun, whom he called Apollo. One early morning he ascended Mount Pangaion (where Dionysus had an oracle) to salute his god at dawn, but was torn to death by Thracian Maenads for not honoring his previous patron, Dionysus. Here his death is analogous with the death of Dionysus, to whom therefore he functioned as both priest and avatar.I wouldn't trust either The Jesus Mysteries or Wikipedia very far, but if Orpheus did come to be considered Dionysus in one of his guises, then the crucifixion image above would show a link between Dionysus and Jesus from around the same time as the "second-century bronze statuette of Dionysus, with the text of Psalms 28:3 engraved in Greek capitals around the waist," which I commented upon in yesterday's post.
But if I interpret the image more cautiously, then I'd say that it shows Orpheus, but not necessarily Dionysus, as Jesus. Or does it show Orpheus as a martyr for Dionysus in much the same way that a crucified Christian would become a martyr for Christ? Interpreting images is never so straightforward.
At the very least, however, the image shows yet another example of one religion borrowing imagery from another religion, which I yesterday noted had occurred in early Anglo-Saxon Christianity as an "aggressive Teutonic warrior becomes the Christ who charges into battle in mounting the cross for his own crucifixion in The Dream of the Rood."
Which reminds one of the 'crucifixion' of Odin...
UPDATE: Thanks to Ian Myles Slater, I now know of the scholarly consensus that this 'amulet' is a forgery. See comments for details.
I now realize why I never made a career in epigraphy! When I wrote the original post, I somehow overlooked the bottom kappa on the left, and I failed to see the iota hiding in the crease on the right. Anyway, I'm glad you found that image interesting.
I'd be the first to agree with you about the conclusion that Jesus never existed. I would love to know more about this artefact, which seems on the surface to show an influence of either Christianity on Greek religion, or the other way around. Meanwhile, thanks to your post, I know a little more already.
If I had more time, I'd do a better search for material on this image and on the link between Dionysus and Christ, but time is short...
Jeffery Hodges
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Ian, you seem to be correct. This 'amulet' is a forgery. Thanks for that alert.
I've managed to locate a scholarly text, Orpheus and Greek Religion (W. K. C. Guthrie), that clearly notes that this 'amulet' is forged.
For a 1993 reprint of Orpheus and Greek Religion (London: Methuen, 1952), by William Keith Chambers Guthrie, go to Amazon, where you can search inside the book.
On pages 265-266, Guthrie provides an illustration of this Orpheus image and observes concerning this 'amulet' or 'seal-cylinder,' that R. Eisler argues for "a purely pagan origin for the design" (265). Guthrie, however, voices some scepticism (266).
Guthrie's scepticism appears to have been warranted, for on page 278, he adds a later citation to Otto Kern, a German expert on Orpheus:
"In his review of this book in Gnomon, 1935, 476, [Otto] Kern recants and expresses himself convinced by the expert opinion of J. Reil and R. Zahn ('Aggelos, Arch. f. neutest. Zeitgesch. und Kulturkunde, 1926, 62 ff.) that the ORPHEOC BAKKIKOC gem is a forgery" (p. 278).
That pretty much settles the issue for me.
My sole remaining question is why Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy saw fit to put the image of a known forgery on the cover of their book, as if it were evidence for a myth of the 'crucifixion' of Orpheus (or Dionysus).
Answer: They're either ignorant or deceptive.
Jeffery Hodges
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Did they ever explain how they know the amulet was faked? Did they mention when it was done, in the manner, and by whom?
Chris Weimer
Chris, Guthrie doesn't give the arguments (and I've just again clicked on Amazon and used the search-inside-the-book function).
I'd suggest that you get Kern's review of Guthrie's book in Gnomon, 1935, 476, where he declares himself convinced by the expert opinion of J. Reil and R. Zahn in their work 'Aggelos, Arch. f. neutest. Zeitgesch. und Kulturkunde, 1926, 62 ff., or that you get Reil and Zahn's work yourself and read them firsthand (and the term 'Aggelos is written in Greek script, by the way).
I don't have much access to such things here in Korea, or I'd check these myself.
Of course, you could ask online at one of the scholarly listserves.
Jeffery Hodges
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If you want to buy something, you might be inclined to spread the word that it's a forgery. If you want to sell something, you're going to take great pride in its fascinating history and pellucid provenance.
I have an object in my house that I have shown on separate occasions to two friends, an art dealer who prides himself in his ability to discern hidden values and a restorer, a former employee of Sutheby's. One says it's a fake. The other says it only looks like a fake because it's well-preserved. Neither is willing to explain how they "know".
What I was wondering to myself is whether this artifact might actually be Christian in origin. During certain periods it may have been wise to disguise such a fact by means of disinformative labeling.
At any rate, it's certainly a very interesting item.
Hello Jeffrey
There was an ancient cult in Greece known as the orphic religion (it is well known and discussed in many places, Russell's history of Western Philiosophy immediately comes to mind), of which Plato (and apparently Socrates) were followers. it has been suggested (it will take me little time to dig up the reference, but i will be happy to oblige) that much of he theological departure (that is those things which are different) between early Xianity and Judaism are due to the fact that Paul (who may have been an orphic in his earlier life) imported some orphic ideas into his preaching (such as "dominions"). Later generations of Xians read Plato with amazement and said: wow, this man has guessed so much Xianity! What they didnt realize is that Plato influenced Xianity (or perhaps Xianity and Plato fed from the same common orphic source). so perhaps this is not so surprising that someone might want to assimilate orpheus (a self-sacrificing figure who rises to an eternal life after death) to the figure of Xst. this completely aside from the Q whether this particular item is or is not forgery.
another interesting point is that the piece is "regarded as forgery", not proven to be one. unlike painting in which we can C14-date the paint, for example, or coinage, in which we can essay the gold for purity to see whether it is old or not, stone is stone and we can date neither it nor the stone cutting technique.
PS as i am not born again, i have no stake in the opinion whether Jesus existed or not, but see no reason to doubt His existence. that anyone doubts it seems a little silly, does anyone doubt the existence of Buddha or Confucius or Socrates? or Scipio Africanus? i think the whole debate it designed just to irriatate people and the right response is to ignore it.
JJ, I should probably have declined to express an opinion since I haven't seen the German scholars' arguments against the object's authenticity. I was a bit too quick on that, but my thinking was that if Kern had been convinced, then the arguments against authenticity must be powerful.
Gawain, I haven't seen arguments for Paul having been an Orphic earlier in his life, but I can't say that I see much evidence for it (not that I've looked). I'd concede that some of his soteriological language about how Christ saves believers may have been drawn from the mystery religions, for he does talk about "mysteries" -- but, again, I haven't studied this material.
Jeffery Hodges
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well, it's not something one can (or wants to) debate about (like Christ's non-existence), really, it's neither here nor there. there are intresting and well argued opinions to this effect out there, which to me seem quite convincing, but, like the fraudulence of the crucified orpheus, the exact nature of truth is indeterminate. let me know if you want the reference and i will look for it. br
There's a new article around with a fresh perspective. Found via FRDB:
Quite interesting actually. All theories until now, which claimed that it's a forgery, are based on completely unscientific premises. Has anyone read the article by Mastrocinque?
Thanks, Anonymous. People may find the article (whether English or German) useful.
Jeffery Hodges
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Where is there any historical evidence that Jesus existed as a real person outside of the fictional accounts of the Bible? The Catholic church knew that this was a problem and so fabricated a phony Josephus account a thousand years later. A well known forgery. Why would they go to all that trouble? He was given the birth date of a Sun God over 300 years after his death. Before that there had been numerous birth dates assigned to him. You would think that if Jesus had been a real person that early Christians would have had some kind of clue as to when he was born. And what did Paul know about Jesus? Did he ever mention a virgin birth or any of that stuff? The miraculous things attributed to Jesus would have surely been part of historical record had he been real. There is no evidence that he existed as a real person. You may want to take a look at this discussion group:
Anonymous, I'm not interested, but I'll leave the link up in case anybody else takes an interest.
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
The only one I see who is either lying or deceptive is YOU! Reil Zahn and Masers claim that the Orpheos Bakkikos is "forgery" was later refuted and debunked by Francesco Carlotta IN THIS
PDF! https://www.carotta.de/subseite/texte/articula/Orpheos_Bakkikos_en.pdf
And of course you wouldn't check the wheres Jesus link because you are a biased "scholar" and a fraud.
Don't you mean I'm either "either ignorant or deceptive"? I plead ignorance, if I'm wrong.
By the way, here's your link. I've made it easier of access.
However, my interests are far removed from this issue these days, so I have nothing more to say on it.
Finally, if you cannot address me with courtesy, your comments will be deleted.
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
Thank you!
Freke and Gandy would need to find pre-Christian evidence of Orpheus being crucified for their argument to work.. ?????
No ofence, but considering you affirmation that you are retired, you might want to consult a doctor concerning your advanced Alzheimer disease.
Fact: ORFEU (aka <Orpheus) is a PRE-Christina deity & legend!
What kind of history professor were you? And where exactly?? Did you students laught you out as all the would do it now?
It's rethorical.
PS: There was NO CHRISTIANITY before the 3-rd century AD! It's a PROVEN FACT!You come with ridiculous absurdities (as the one quoted above at the beginning of my comment) to try to combat REAL PROOF with it, and parallel you promote FAKE absurdities like christian and pre-christian periode which has no factual basis at all?
Highly probable you come up with the same absurdity of -We have written proof that christians existed much earlier than 3-rd century because there is proof that Nero (1-st century AD) burned christians to the stake- :D
Why did you gave up your day job of street commediant in Seoul en pretended to be <history professor.:D, when you don't even know the Orfeu/Orpeheus periode, wnad you think that's after the fictive year 0, thus an A.D. periode??? Wake up!
Nero never burned any "christians" as christian sectants DID NOT exist then! What he burned were THE HOLY RACE of the Hyperboreans! The native inhabitants of Italy, later only in northern Italy, known as Etruria (hence "Etruscans")! The primordial Divine/God's race of Earth!
The fictive Jew with no name (if he never existed, ofcourse the Jewish sectants didn't named him) known as Jesus Christus has this DESCRIPTION (because that is what this is! Not a "name and surname"! Wake up!) stolen from the real saviour (Isy, Hyperborean reads isu, the greeks added an S at the end as they do with all greek names, descriptions, words.., a Dacian Godess from Egypt known today as Isis, because the modern pseudo historians thought tha ancient greek Y reads i, hence Greek-Y expression, Isis being the saviour of Osiris, she wept on Osiris, hence made him wet with water, and brought him back to life, hence gave him another life, process plagiated by the Jewish sectants also, and renamend Baptism, also the coffin with Osiris floating on the Nile weas plagiated and atributed to the fictive jew Moses) because isus (and all it's variations: jesus, jeshua, jeshaia, meshaia, mozes, moise etc..) means THE SAVIOUR, and christus means Holy/ Divine in GREEK, the place where THE FIRST bible was printed, many centruries after the fictive first century. Or you don't even know how (and by whom!) year zero was established by Dionysius Exiguus??
What Nero burned alive were the HOLY people (Etruscans)! The CHRISTI (holy) people! Not as in your Talmudic Jewish christian religion!
Or even this fact (that the new testament is a plagiarism of the old testament, and that plagiarism of the hibru bible, and that of the Talmud) you history professor do not know?
Have you ever read the Talmud (or at least quotations from it) to know to WHOM are you praying when you go to church, where the satanists in the BLACK/DARK clothers of Death and Darkness (which also praise Death and dead cadavers of other satanists now dead, presented to you as :D, than I'm an alien. :D.
The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn’t Exist, and that he is actually God ;).
And if even what's in front of you eyes (the GREEEEEEK name/description of that Jew, Jesus Christus! A Jews with greek name? :D) you don't see, than your elementary knowledge (let alone the simple power of observation which even a baby has, you not yet) is total missing. Avove these facts to pretend that you are even history professor, is not even laughable anymore. It's to cry about! Sunny, you need serious professional help! And this is NOT an insult, but a allready proven FACT.
The internet is full of articles written by illiterate Jewish worshipers pretending they are , because "God need allwas money" it seems, a typical Jewish trait.
PS2: Than Isy/Isus/Isus/Isis and Osiris (God) had a son which they called Har (greek version Horus), the son of God, which he later save the whole world by killing Set (the killer of Osiris before Isis revived him), also known as Setan, Seitan, Satan, the God of the Jews you praise and promovate with ther Dark/Death Jewish religios sect called christianity, pretended to be -the religion of God- (to attract idiots to promote it), as God (allmighty!) "needs religions and intermediary to connect with us/people :D))??
Question for idiots: If God need satanic (christian priests) intermediaries, and he can't talk to us nor hear us, what's the point in praying to him if he can't hear us anyway? :D
Only the universe and human stupidity are infinite, and I'm not so sure about the universe. (btw, this quotation DO NOT belong to Albert Einstein as your Jewish media pretends! But to a totally diferent philosopher. You are just a drone robot, executing what your Jewish masters orders. Did they toled you -Welcome to the Matrix!- when they enrolled you and gave you a cookie for it? Or you joined them hungry and still got nothing? Christianity being a JEWISH religion and you -a goim-, I prezume you they keep you still hungry)
A bit about the fictive "jesus christ": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M5yB938Sbc
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