
Sunday, April 03, 2022

Forehead to Keyboard

I nodded off while trying to type something:

D3qw Th

What in the world was I thinking?


  1. My old friend Timothy Anderson says that "D3qw Th" is my subconscious call sign: "Delta 3 Quebec Whisky Tango Hotel." He adds, that when he was a kid in Buenos Aires, his Mom's Ham Radio number was LU9AIQ (London United 9 Alpha India Quebec). It was her access to the world (before the Internet, emails, smartphones...) It's obviously your subconscious call sign: Delta 3 Quebec Whisky Tango Hotel."... When I was a kid in Buenos Aires, my Mom's Ham Radio number was LU9AIQ (London United 9 Alpha India Quebec). It was her access to the world (before the Internet, emails, smartphones...).

    Jeffery Hodges

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  2. Tim (Anderson), just a bit from your interesting comment, that I might fill in a few of life's little gaps.

    Jeffery Hodges

    * * *


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