Thursday, July 28, 2016

The 'Spy-Dear' won't like this news!

Judy Abbott is about to announce some good news that dear Daddy-Long-Legs won't like to hear:
10th September

Dear Daddy,
This abbreviation of "Daddy-Long-Legs" to "Daddy" begins to sound incestuous! But only because we have some inkling of the romance ahead, given her fondness for Master Jervie (who is secretly Daddy-Long-Legs). Meanwhile, she has written some stories and shown them to Master Jervie for his opinion:
[T]he last one I did - just a little sketch laid in college - he said wasn't bad; and he had it typewritten, and I sent it to a magazine. They've had it two weeks; maybe they're thinking it over.
Thursday brings good news:
Daddy! Daddy! What do you think? The postman has just come with two letters.

1st. My story is accepted. $50. ALORS! I'm an AUTHOR.

2nd. A letter from the college secretary. I'm to have a scholarship for two years that will cover board and tuition. It was founded for 'marked proficiency in English with general excellency in other lines.' And I've won it! I applied for it before I left, but I didn't have an idea I'd get it, on account of my Freshman bad work in maths and Latin. But it seems I've made it up. I am awfully glad, Daddy, because now I won't be such a burden to you. The monthly allowance will be all I'll need, and maybe I can earn that with writing or tutoring or something . . .
This could undo the web Daddy-Long-Legs has woven to catch her in . . . yeah, I know he's not really a spider, but he is a "spy-dear," keeping an eye on his cherished little Jerusha (aka "Judy"). Anyway, we'll see his reaction soon.



At 9:57 AM, Blogger Carter Kaplan said...

Daddy-Long-Legs is a voyeur many times over.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

As many eyes as legs!

Jeffery Hodges

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