Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama-Inspired Kitsch!

President Barack Obama
(Image from En-Uk's Art Blog)

Yesterday morning, I showed En-Uk this website featuring "Bad Paintings of Barack Obama," and the aesthetic shock so unsettled little En-Uk that he simply had to add his own contribution . . . which looks somehow Peruvian, Egyptian, and Pentecostal simultaneously. It sort of serves to pep one up! At En-Uk's website, I commented:
Note Obama's cool, yet fiery aura!
And for those who like a soundtrack to accompany their kitsch, here's the You Tube version of "Bad Paintings of Barack Obama"! If I could only master up-loading videos, I would tape Sa-Rah playing my own "Yes, he can campaign" song as soundtrack to En-Uk's depiction of Obama and get millions of hits!
The Campaign Song
Oh, I think we may maintain
that Obama can campaign!
We hardly need explain
that he's got a campaign-brain!

Yes, he can campaign!
Yes, he can campaign!
Yes, he can!
Yes, he can!
Yes, he can campaign!

Oh, conservies, don't complain,
for Obama can campaign!
Why, he out-campaigned McCain!
Even Clinton felt his pain!

Yes, he can campaign!
Yes, he can campaign!
Yes, he can!
Yes, he can!
Yes, he can campaign!

Oh, we might sound not quite sane,
but Obama can campaign!
He'll prove each bane-foe vain
in an eight-year campaign-reign!

Yes, he can campaign!
Yes, he can campaign!
Yes, he can!
Yes, he can!
Yes, he can campaign!
Perhaps this would spark a new career that could turn out better than my previous one . . .

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At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I quite like the portrait. It has a sort of cockerel feel to it-- political crowing! Well done En Uk.

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

Thanks. I'll let my son know.

Jeffery Hodges

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