Friday, April 02, 2021

A Book Arrives

I had been waiting, sort of since Christmas, for a book from one of my mentors, and when it arrived, I sent him an email:

Your book finally arrived today (March 30th, 2021). I know now why it took so long to reach me.

I was expecting it at any moment and thus kept myself in a state of alertness so as to meet the delivery man at the door. My alert expectation, ironically, was sending out waves of such force that your book was being knocked away from its appointed round. Today, however, my wife noticed that I was struggling to stay awake at my desk, and she sent me to my room to take a nap. During that half hour, your book, no longer subject to my mind's forceful encounters, arrived safely, and my wife retrieved it.

 As she placed it into my hands, I perceived that it was heavier than it looked, a promising sign in a scholarly work. Like an alchemist, you must have transmuted much matter into gold. Hence the weightiness of your work! I look forward to reading it and reviewing it for Amazon. This will take some time, however, since I am just now approaching midterm and will be busy with students for the rest of the semester.

(Next Day: March 31, 2021)

I am attaching a 50-poem document for your amusement. Composing the poems took about 50 days, but I then went over them several times. You might not like them, which is okay. They are a bit odd.

Mentor responds:

Many thanks for the poems and the notice of the arrival of the book. Your telekinesis was protecting you from the base matter that, alas, I have not transmuted into gold figuratively or literally.

His weighty book speaks otherwise.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Kevin Kim said...

What's the book's title? If the Amazon entry for the book has a "Look inside!" feature, I might like to flip through a few pages.


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